*twentythree 10.12.11

Apron number two for my beautiful friend Lacey and her girls.
This one is for lil Olive.

I am enjoying making this set and reflecting on the times I have had with my dear friend.

We met in a bar.
Its true.
I cant remember which one.
It has nothing to do with my state of mind at the time, I just have a bad memory for such details.
I do remember Lacey and I ended up over by the payphone praying for each other.
I believe it had something to do about a young lad called Casey.
He must have been causing problems.
I guess the prayers had some effect because Casey is now Laceys hubbie and they have three lovely girls!

It is a drizzly day on the land.
I sewed to the August Rush soundtrack.
My lil friend Hope was over as well.
She organized the top of my sewing basket!
A girl after my own heart.

Now if I can just get someone to do the rest of it!

Time to go make a Wild Rice and Fish casserole for the pot luck.

1 comment:

  1. This Apron is great ...and so was your Fish and wild rice :)
