*ten 09.07.11

I pulled lots of fabric out of the cupboard today looking for inspriation.
Some days are harder than others.
I picked up this one.
Looked at that one.
And then the hot pink tulle started speaking to me.
It wanted to be made into an apron.
It really did!

So I turned on some Rachel Kurtz  and got to work.
I dont know how Rachel would feel being on a post with pink tulle but I think she might think it was fun.
I love her music.
I love the truth and passion in it.
I play it loud and sing along to my hearts content.

Some people may say tulle doesn't belong in the kitchen.
But I would argue for the tulle.
What a better thing to wear when you come home from a long day of work and don't feel like cooking!
Tulle makes everything better.
You can just prance around like a little princess.
Or not.

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