We have moved ourselves to Woodville New Zealand for the present moment.
You can see about that decision here.
It is nice to be in one place for longer than a few months!
We have planted a garden that we might actually see the harvest from.
I have even planted tulip bulbs, which is a real act of faith for me.
They wont come up till spring!
We also got ourselves a little kitten. Luna.
Woodville is a small town in the middle of NZ.
Nigel is related to half the town.
Nigels Mum who is a midwife has helped usher the other half into this world.
Everyone knows everyone.
Nigel got a job in a lovely hair salon called Roses.
And I am working a a cafe called Cafe 88.
We are settling into some sort of rhythm.
This apron was made before Woodville.
One of our dear friends in this area.
The pockets are made from upholstery remnants.
I love the contrasting buttons.
What is so fun about buttons anyways?!
I hope to get back into apron making.
I have quite a fabric collection going that is crying out to be transformed into something cute to wear!